Sexual Repression Rant:
A kneejerk reaction to a facebook post on sexual education, porn, catholic repression and guilt from 2010.
"Its not alarming at all...
When you grow up in a society that doesnt inform you of what happening with your body, why your getting rushes of emotions and what do you do about it?
No parent, teacher or guardian explains what is happening? So you do your own research, in my time it was magazines and sometimes porn. How are we different. As a Teen it was not a preference for porn but a hunger for knowledge and education on what was what that no teen gets from who should be protecting them
Also a Catholic repression that looms like a fungal decay and plague eating away at the confidence of teens in my time that made you think and feel that you WERE not to look at girls not follow emotions or investigate them. Say prayers for your sins for "Touching yourself" or indeed "thinking unpure thoughts" is enough to turn any person into a confused frightened and emotional wreck that sees their bodies as vile and dirty things to not be touched nor investigated until one gets married. Thats the Catholic teachings that keeps people stupid about what turns men and women on, watching programmes like channel 4's revealing documentaries I GUARANTEE are switched off almost as soon as they start by parents afraid of their teen finding out more than they should.. A religious back bite of the disgusting catholic suppression of expression.
Growing up in a country that puts alcohol on a pedestal from anyone who is 18+ and having 8-10 public taverns in a town and village that has a pop of 1,000 or less. What do you expect that teens begin drinking so young.
They are thought CSPE, civic social and politicial education in school yet are told "NO you cant vote or take part in decision making till you are 18".
In conclusion. This does not shock me, examine the facts then begin to tell teenagers the facts.
I had sex ed in primary school from a nun in a wheel chair who told us not to have sex until we were married.. I learned more from porn than i ever did off parents, teachers, and even friends. Sad but true."
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