Is love a feeling or an act to which we gravitate?
to want someone for who they are is friendship,
add hearts and is it love or selfishness enshrined in a bubble.
Do we really know what is good for us until its too late.
Why do we question our hearts when our minds can’t make that decision?
Life is a funny instrument of learning, to hurt yourself, you must trip and fall to truely know it hurts.
In love, it seems like you are indestructible but the problem is people are not. Hearts are broken in an instant.
People tend to not reveal their true selves to others, I find this easy and difficult to understand. To reveal your true self is baring your soul, to be stripped of all that makes you strong. It may be all that you are, in allowing someone to see exactly who you are, gives the power to the looker. Depending on their character, the looker could choose to strike that revealer down or embrace their most beautiful qualities with that of their not so appealing qualities.
To be judgemental yet not take a look at your own person is hypocritical, reminders need to be given to all who forget.
To see beyond normality to the frailest part of a human being, their minds. This is what I strive to do, perfection is a mystery of the modern world. To be perfect is in fact a feeling not an image, a feeling that crawls through your whole body, from brain to spine. When you view a person on image alone, it is false to forget that hidden qualities only reveal themselves in comfortable and unexpected moments of conversation.
Everyone is guilty of forgetting to appreciate the simple things that lay before them, gentle persuasion by guidance is the best way to get your opinion back on track but normally it is by sudden and detrimental means that derailment leads to permanent destruction of a friendship or relationship.
Presumption rather than direct conversation takes over as the hundreds of internal conversations in your head begin and end yet the spoken word between two people does not happen.
What exactly am i saying?
Well basically all fights or disagreements occur due to a lack of revealing of souls to one another but the catch 22 situation is how much does one reveal before they are completely exposed. Holding back is the defence mechanisms people use to prevent their spirit from been crushed completely.
But I see trust where i see suspicion, what are we doing here on earth if we decide to hold back in any form of friendship or relationship. Christ man we could come to a horrid end in the near future or last for 100 hundred birthdays. The point is to use balance i suppose but also to use and abide by that phrase Carpe Diem, seize the moment or the day. Regret i do not believe in because i take chances in everyday life that lead to a good or bad outcome. I have to live with that decision but at least i did or chose to do a certain act, try a certain activity or attempt a new challenge.
There is a word to describe every moment in life. To have hope is to be alive, to be alive is to believe in a dream, to have a dream is to see a future!
I have many dreams, some i shall never be able to realise, some i am striving to achieve in the immediate future. Self improvement is rife in this age of New Years resolutions but most are based on image and health, give up drink, smoking, more fitness etc.
It is good and bad, but self development in terms of taking a step back and looking at how your life is going is a major change.
I do this in hard times to remind myself how minor the problems I have are in comparison to the world.
To have a go get em personality is not everyones cup of tea but to have a proactive or positive outlook on every day things sure makes life go a lot smoother.
Take a break and sit back and laugh the next time it pisses rain on top of you amd not a an umbrella to show. Or any problem that builds, grab a hug off a good friend or smile at a passerby.
On my way back from college one day, i was really in a bad mood, i was wearing a santa hat and the rain was pelting down. I had my head down and then just looked up, i locked eyes with this lady passing by and she smiled, i smiled back and in that split second, i had a flicker of christmas spirit renter my body and it was suddenly quite funny to be walking in the rain wearing a santa hat.
The world is a lonely and hard place to live in if you let it get on top of you, immerse yourself in family, friends and the activities that make you smile.
To be intrinsically happy either single, attached or in between is the most important thing for the health of any person. Mental health although underrated is what keeps us going, is what motivates us and makes want more of life.
For this new years resolutions, I intend to talk more to people, drunk or sober, preferably sober as it is then you can really know a person.
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