Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lunar Thoughts

The Sun, the Stars, the Moon and Mars,
Too distant to touch too close not to clutch,

All things connected to me, round the world forever to see,
The sun lights the way, the moon burns through the grey,

Stars like eyes that shine as brightly like the first time stares turn to cares,
Pick a star and close your eyes, take me to that place of ice,
Cold but bright filled full of memories of mine,

Ploughs pull lines arranging the skies in organised disarray,
My mind is a cavity missing that time and day,

To wish the past undone is to be a fool, smiles were had but only as a rule.

The future is on its way, the past exists but not today,
The present I make up as each day disappears into a fade. –

24 June 2007 2.38 am


Anonyminity is the pinnacle of popularity..! Have you ever experienced the feeling of walking into a room where you know no one and feel eyes upon you.. the feeling of power is unreal. The feeling that you control that room for a split second in time. A brief period of anonymous drink sipping before mingling with unknown and malevolent vultures. Purity before innocence, Feasting before indulgence, Pity before respect, Head before heart. – 27 June 2007 12.41am

Strange Fruit

Lyrics of "Strange Fruit" by L. Allen, the version I prefer is by Mark Lanegan in the Twilight Singers, very historic and emotional song about changing times, racism in the world.

Southern trees bare strange fruit, blood on the leaves and blood at the roots, black body swinging in the southern breeze, strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.


That stolen seed, from the darling south, the bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, steel magnolia, sweetest red, there the sun has smelled of burning flesh, yeh. illicit fruit for the crows to pluck, for the rain to gather, for the winter sun, for the sun to rot, for the trees to drop, there is a strange, yeh, bitter crop.

Yeh, yeh, yeh.

Southern trees bare strange fruit, blood on the leaves and blood at the roots, black body swinging in the southern breeze, yeh, strange fruit, its true, strange fruit.

Quotes and Sayings of yester world

The fisherman has two homes. If he tires of his shoes, he can pull on his boots; sit in his boat or Currach out on the tops of the waves. Doesn’t the man who has fishing in his blood prefer the thwart to the stool, the line to the spade, the sound of the waves to the chattering of home? Eoghan O’ Colm

Athnionn ciarog, ciarog eile! – One beetle recognises another.

“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things” – Niccolo Machiavelli (The Prince 1532)

“The world that we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level we created them at” – Albert Einstein.

"Cad a Dheanamhfaimid feasta gan Adhmaid" – What will we do without our woods, from the 17 century brehon poet.

A sound man is good at salvage, at seeing nothing lost. – Lao Tze, 500 BC

“square their actions by the square of virtue" and to learn to "circumscribe their desires and keep their passions within due bounds toward all mankind".


“Ireland without its history is nothing” – Paul De Paor.

There are three lines on your finger, each one an inch – A Perfect World, Kevin Costner.

Don’t take life too seriously, you may never get out alive – Van Wilders Party Liaison.

Mar is ar scath a cheile mhaireann na ndaoine – we all live in each others shadow – 03/06/2008

Only when the last trees have died, the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught, will we realise we cannot eat money – Cree Indian saying.

"And when the future hinges on the next words that are said, don't let logic interfere, believe your heart instead."
-- Philip Robison

"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..."
-- Unknown

"There is no remedy for love but to love more."
-- Henry David Thoreau

"Within you I lose myself Without you I find myself Wanting to be lost again."
-- Unknown

“I’m looking for the least possible amount of responsibility” American Beauty.
Manage the unavoidable, but Avoid the Unmanageable.

The hand remains on the branch but not on the bush.

Oxegen Bliss

I was fortunate enough to win two camping tickets for Oxegen 2006 off the Dave Fanning show on 2FM back in March 2006, it was on one of those nights when I should have been studying, what’s that?

On Friday the 7th July I got a phone call from Tom Dunne(Today FM) who was to be doing the Pets Sounds stage at Oxegen, he wanted to know how I was going to get to Oxegen and how prepared or unprepared I was. He said that 2 FM would ring me over the course of the weekend, so off I set with gas cooker, poncho, eggs, bread, beans, rice, oil, noodles, Irish stew in a can and 2 slabs of beer (Fosters as always).

And of course the comfort accessories to include Aldi tent, sleeping bag, 3 legged folding chair all packed into a giant rucksack that was taller than me.

At round 6 on Friday evening we arrived to Punchestown Race course and then had to choose among 5 of us where to go. campsite A or B. “Which is closest?” “A I think”, so it was decided A was the hotel for the weekend.

No matter how much planning or not you do, that walk is always a killer especially with 2 slabs of beer on your shoulder.

We ended up walking to Camp area A22, don’t know why, it jus felt like the right thing to do, we wanted to see where that white bricked road ended up. Tent up, feet up, chill, sit, drink and banter.

Best nite to be at Oxegen is the Friday, everyone goes crazy and it’s more a gathering of soul stumbling going on. There was a bet on to see how many camping pegs we could collect, the wan that got the most got a slab of beer. But it didn’t work out coz I got caught and chased by this dude who thankfully was off his face and fell while running after us.


Fri nite came and went, Saturday everyone’s hopes were drown literally, it poured down from the early hours till about 3 or 4pm. I got out the cooker and lashed together beans, French toast and a cuppa tea, its amazing what u can do sober.

The first band I saw was Bic Runga at the Pet sounds stage, very chilled out start, then Jose Gonzalez who was taken aback and had to stop playing his well known ‘Heartbeats’ song as everyone had joined in. He put in a particularly soothing performance, ‘Crosses’ coming across a crowd pleaser also.

Then came We are Scientists and Dirt Pretty things, The sun showed itself later on in the afternoon, have a few blanks where the hours flow by rapidly, then The Who and The Sorely missed Mr James Brown got his funk on in style. (RIP)


Sunday started off with everyone a wee bit woozy, the beer and craic from the nite before needed to be replenished, I had some beans and French toast, no queuing for me.

Bell X1, Kaiser Chiefs, Franz Ferdinand, Placebo, Manu Chao played throughout the day with the weather holding off just grand. Finest performance of the day was Rodrigo Y Gabriela who I went to see instead of the Chili Peppers.

Last band was the Chili’s who put in an average performance in my opinion, then the partays began, kickin’ off the last nite of an exciting, exhausting but equally exhilarating July weekend.


“O my head”, last day was Monday, with the alcohol low and the sun starting to rise in the sky, Carnage began to take hold, packing up time is not the nicest after a savage weekend, by the end of the festival YOU WILL have made friends with everyone from the next door neighbor to the cleanest toilet cubicle. And then there’s always room for romance, you could find the woman/man of your dreams or some fun in the sun. Sitting in a field doesn’t seem like the best place to meet some one but it happens I can testify to that. Savage Cabbage.

And finally for the whole weekend, I spent a grand total of €7.50, all due to my fantastic cooking skills, don’t knock it, if it saves you €€€’s and also the time queuing for the rubber burger.

So get your ticket, tent, sleeping bag and all related paraphernalia cause its coming, with the line up at the moment been Muse, Snow Patrol, Bloc Party, the beautiful Tori Amos and many more still to be announced..

I would like to mention a significant incident that happened at the Oxegen weekend 2006, a crash occurred in Co. Laois where 3 Festival goers died in an unnecessary car accident, remember to drive safe on your way home from the festival, don’t drive if your still inebriated, its not worth the carnage.

B safe, B seen, Breath OxEgEn…

By Trevor Seery.

South African Adventure

I want to tell you a story, due to semesterisation of my college year, I saw a perfect opportunity to take a wee bit of a trip abroad as they say, the destination South Africa…my holiday took in many parts of SA but the most unbelievable one that stands out is a nite in Cape Town in the southern tip of SA.

On the 12th January 2006, my friends and I went to a restaurant called the Green Dolphin, had linefish a few beers and a bottle of wine. After dinner the group of us headed to a bar called Cantilla Tequila right on the waterfront for a few more drinks. Started dancing to some great tunes and soon this chic starts dancing with me, nice looking body with hair combed off to the side. We started getting closer then she invites me to sit down with her friends, her name was Tazneema and she had another friend with her wearing a head scarf.

Before we left this pub her other Dutch acquaintance told me to be careful, I thought nothing of it. The group of my mates and the 2 of them went to a Scottish bar, tazneema brought me off to the side and we talked bout different things. Towards the end of the night we went to the exit of the waterfront to look for taxis, my 3 friends got into one taxi and said id get another one but ended up sharing one with the 2 “ladies”.

I asked where they lived they said only ten min away, but I said id drop them off so they would get home safe (Irish naivety) then head back to my own apartment cause I wasn’t feeling well. After 5 min driving we stopped and changed taxi, I asked why and they said that that taxi didn’t go out the direction they lived, warning bells were ringing but I was drunk and easily led. So paid 50 rand and got into another taxi, I noticed we were heading towards cape town airport, I freaked as the alcohol began to subside from my system. They were talking Afrikaans to the taxi driver so I could not understand the jist of the conversation. I shouted STOP!! And he did, I said how much further and where so we started driving again and turned left into a place called boethanfontein, a very dodgy looking place I must say. At this stage I realised what the fuk am I doing here. And took my money out of my wallet as well as my credit card and put it inside my sock but she noticed and started grabbing for the money. She asked me to get out of the taxi but I told the driver that if he drove me back to cape town pronto id pay him double. The driver took off at speed the door of the taxi banging open and closed like in those classic chase films. The two girls at this stage know where my money was and were each reaching for my socks, the driver drove to a police station but it was unmanned then he drove to another but I had had enough at that stage and jus before he sped up I opened the door and bailed out rolling onto the hard motorway asphalt, as soon as I got up I ran in a dazed crazy rabbit way down the hard shoulder of the A1 and thank god saw a police car coming towards me I waved and shouted to get their attention and they pulled in beside me.

The taxi was pulled up 100 yards away with the driver and 2 girls hassling each other, I explained my situation in between puffs of much needed breath to the smiling cops. We all walked back up to the taxi and the cops asked the girls questions they got stroppy an were put in the back of the paddy wagon, the taxi driver explained his side and said he would take me back to cape town with no extra charge I relented as I had no other way back, he bought me a cup of tea and said that he had 600 rand in his pocket and that the girls could have robbed him too if they had had a knife or gun. We sat and talked about the crime problem in the area and in SA for a while then I returned to my apartment dazed but still alive.

This story is a reminder to those travelling anywhere in the world to be aware and switched onto entrapment situations. It is not a condemnation of South Africa just an experience I encountered and wanted to share as advice in the future. Safe trip.

Romancing the Student

Is there any romance in students nowadays or has it all turned into drunken grunts and nods towards the neon exit door for a quicky and a cigarette afterwards.

Good question, is romance dead in college or hidden beneath last weeks Dominos pizza boxes. Lets examine the DIT campus break down for further info. Who I am doesn’t matter, I wish to stay anonymous for this article to save face. Literally.

Well DIT has a population of 20,000 students give or take, I’m bad at maths so we’ll have a sliding scale of

1.] Scoring Heaven, 2.] Even Stevens and 3.]Sausage Factory/Fanny fetale.

Aungier Street - The newest and biggest of the DIT’s has what I would call scoring heaven potential but if you are a culchie knock it down to a mediocre as fashion decorum is essential to score with the clientele therein, new clothes everyday essential. Not for the tenaciously thrifty or shower in a can type of people. Bizeeness, journos, media and the future suity types study here.

Bolton Street - The bogger haven and industrious engineers den of D North side marks a poorly sausage factory rating from my point of view. Its like that veritable end of nite desperation dive where you see a lonesome lassy on her own but she has been spied by another competitor. Do you a.) keep your dignity and walk home alone, or b.) try to score her by frantically competing verbally with the other guy with one arm braced on the bar to prevent collapse. Bolton Street needs nae deserves more female students desperately. Necks crane at the slightest female presence. Observe starvation at its best or worst.

Cathal Brugha Street - Interesting one this. More girls than guys but still a scoring heaven if not for the flesh but for the food cooked by present culinary students. Go try cathal brugha street food, it will scintillate the pallet more than any dodgy breakfast roll. And food is the way to a guys heart. Get cooking. But the goddamn stairs will kill you, the neverending staircase, does anyone know where it actually goes? Stairway to Heaven.

Kevin Street – E = MC something or other. Haven’t been up this direction in a while but its kind of fairly evenly distributed so even stevens. But still its got a swimming pool and for any voyeurs among us who want to feast their eyes on Irish milk bottle tan of students male or female it’s a good place to go. But mind the floating plasters, ah no they have this sorted out now.

Mountjoy Square – The arty students among us with the intense artistic genius to derive pleasure from the most inanimate of objects, and it is definitely a scoring heaven for lads or even a fanny fatale. Hmm. But does anyone know where it is? Its like that Zoolander expression “But how do they fit the kids into the school”, I will never know. Portland Row has its own elite who scowl at your mere suggestion that they study in Mountjoy Square. Don’t tempt fate or you will get bitten.

Now there are other campuses but c’mon don’t have word limit for the 50 other ones, so what does this all have to do with romance, what does anything have to do with romance.

Well your college environment can shape the way you view people and sometimes compatibility comes into it. What the fluck is that, a 6 pack and a naggin and anyone is compatible, right or roysch for Southside campuses?

What am I trying to say, well think outside of your stereotypical niche in your college and explore the vastness of Dublin. Some students finish their study having gone to only a small number of places due to handiness. Venture across that river and see what the other side has to offer not only in watering holes but artistic and architectural richness. There’s more to do besides drinking, it’s a brilliant part but try everything once and you never know, romance could tap you on the back looking for a light or to beat the living crap out of you for 50 cent.

Space Cadet J

The Merits and Joys of Tea, the Saviour of all

TAE! what would we do without it? It’s a drink that begins friendships, breaks silences, soothes exam stress and nerves, or as a greeting when someone enters your house. Irish people as a nation consume on average about six cups of tea a day, that equates to 3.2 kg (7lbs) a year!

But what of the history of the cuppa, well Tea drinking came about due to Ireland’s association with the British Empire, and tea in loose form was imported in 1835. Only the most affluent drank it due to the high import price. But as the popularity and thirst for it spread the price dropped and tea houses opened up all over Ireland.

Tea was sold loosely in grocery stores for all to buy, in shops such as Barry’s grocery store in Cork. There was a lack of enthusiasm for bagged teas due to the belief they were of inferior blend and quality but J. Lyons & Co. (Ireland) improved the quality of the blend and the popularity for bagged tea increased.

There are three basic types of tea:

Black tea is fully oxidized as part of its processing. Most Irish teas are of this type and yield an amber-coloured beverage with a hearty flavour. There's good reason for that. It's often said that a good Irish cup of tea is "strong enough for a mouse to trot on."

Green tea isn't oxidized, has a more delicate flavour and is lighter in colour.

Oolong tea is partly oxidized and has a distinctive taste that is different than either black or green tea.

If you are a serious tea drinker, you will understand the negligible but glaring differences in tea taste! The question springs to mind, are you a Lyons or Barry’s person? The difference in taste stems from the origin of the tea leaf or blend which in Irish terms is sourced from East Africa and Sri Lanka. Did you know that there are three grams of Tea in a tea bag and 50 thousand litres of the stuff is drunk per person per year in Ireland.

Many other black tea brands exist on the Irish market to include Tetleys, Tesco, Aldi, and then there’s the green teas that elicit a very wry guffaw from my direction when talked about.

Another question springs to mind in the make up of a cuppa, are you a strong tea drinker with the tea bag squeezed to an inch of its life or a weak tea drinker who prefers the dip and lift technique of lightly coloured or what I like to call pissy tea.

And then there’s the absolute ultimate question whether you are a biscuit dunker or not, I have gotten many strange looks from people when dipping a biccie in a cuppa, but god man, if you haven’t tried a sufficiently dipped and tea soaked biscuit or piece of chocolate in a cup of tea then you cant really call yourself a tea appreciator.

There’s a precise point called soakage limit or break off point that you need to know to be a successful dunker. If you go over this stress/strain point or if the limit of proportionality is breached, you will end up with fatigue failure and burnt fingers trying to fish the biscuit out if there isn’t any spoon. It can get very complicated as there are many types of biscuit out there, but all it takes is practice and a little experienced dunking. So go forth and drink tea and dunk like you have never dunked before.

Trevor Seery.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Forbidden Fruit

Bitter as a lemon,
Sweet as a peach,
Like the fruit atop the tree,
Just out of reach,
I made my choice,
It felt so right,
Taste can blur thoughts and vision,
For the sake of a bite.

Forbidden fruit,
Never to fall,
To feel the slight of grass dew and early morning call,
Fruit is precious, bruises to touch,
Through time, it fades in colour but retains its embarrassed blush,
Out of season but in the mood,
Defining boundaries, a dessert food.

Combined with passion,
Strawberries and Ice cream,
What you say in reality,
They will never know what it means,
Orange chocolate, a taste that lingers,
Eye to eye, entwined fingers,

A passion fruit, an exotic drink,
Take a slow sip, to allow you to think,
You pay the price for making a choice,
A game to some, a lover’s voice,
To hear those words, send shivers up the spine,
A summer special, Lemon and lime,

Poisoned by an Apple, an apple so neat,
Ruby red and delicious, ever so sweet,
Forbidden fruit, plucked by a boy,
Adam was his name, his one vice, joy,
Eve, his other half, went a separate way,
Could not see a life with him on that special day,

Banana and vanilla milk shake malt,
So thick and creamy, nothing I could fault,
People never really know each other until its past prime,
To realise when something you really wanted was wrapped up in time,
Remember the moments now and then,
Life is full of ripe choices, Carpe Diem,

Love is fruit, it kisses the ground,
Freedom granted, where love has no bounds,
Forbidden fruit, knows not what it shows,
Until it ages and fades,
To memories of old,
A simple twist, a leap of faith,
From branch to ground,
A reason too late,

Blind to love and blind to hate,
Courtship of seeds, is dormant till a date,
A point of time, unheard of, as of yet,
Two seeds they found a perfect place, a place to never forget.

Trevor Seery – 22/12/2008

Blinded by Wonder

Eyes squinting in the bright lights,
Head held high in the suns crystal flight,
Rain drops fall like tears from my face,
Not because of loss, not because of pain,
But of a feeling that makes my heart race,
A feeling that cuts like a stab to the heart,
Let it be so, with a brand new start,

Memories of old flames, from the grate of regret,
Leave them be, but never forget,
You have missed the bus; you have missed the train,
My attempts to catch you seem to have been all in vain.
A flightless bird cornered by fear,
I am out of the game until I fly again my dear,

My mind is awash with the floods of the season,
Many an excuse but never a reason,
The world was here before we met,
It shall remain after our memory forget,
I want what I can’t have, and I can’t have what I want,
It’s a hug, a kiss, a voice to console,
One thing in my life I could not control.

All stars align so perfectly in place,
A situation corrected, a smile to my face,
Time is just a moment, plucked from the skies,
A feeling righted by enthusiastic replies,
Lost in thoughts, thoughts and dreams,
Nothing is ever as easy as it seems,
As I wish upon a star,
I think of you and where you are?

Atop the waves of wonder, once upon a time,
The sun cast its rays of light that made eyes sparkle and shine,
A page started, a new corner turned,
A lesson in life and love earned.

Trevor Seery – 05/08/2008 – 05/12/2008

Into The Setting Sun

A glow of phosphorus orange hangs above the tree line,
Shrouded in clouds and time,

Used as an anchor,
A return to the peatlands of Bangor,

The road it twists and turns,
Offering the way the light it burns,

A path that leads to the west,
A place where I am at my best,

The walls they do appear in force,
Of stone and lichen laid in course,

Trees become thin on the ground,
Flat land very hard found,

Return to Mayo, return to my home,
Where the waves are whipped into a foam,

Settled in the nest of good will,
Down beside the river mill,

The Bunnadober covered in light,
Remnants of a millers plight,

To make work from a river,
Watching the Trout dart and quiver,

This is home, I call it so,
I'll never live far from my Mayo.

Trevor Seery - 11th September 2008

Loveless Lullaby

Wakey, wakey rise and shine,
When the tide was high and you were mine,

Diamonds shine when put with Gems,
Left alone, they turn to sand,

Look West to Islands of Gold,
Watch the waves turn and fold,

As I wish upon a star,
I think of you and where we are,

With bated breath I wait,
For the Loveless Lullaby intake,

In competition with myself again,
a false sense of security appears,

A bottomless chair, A nameless name, a faceless face
and a loveless lullaby remain,

The gull swoops on the wing,
eyes scanning far and near in the spaces in between,

The surf churns rocks deliciously breaking,
a sound as normal and as frequent in time,

The trees on the horizon line,
sway and mime,

Branches like arms outstretched,
reach for the sky,

A comfortable place, a real fine time to begin a loveless lullaby.

Trevor Seery - September 2008

Fleeting Feelings

Drunk with love,
Sober with pain,
Awakened by the rumble of drops of rain,
I remember back to times gone by,
Was it fun or all just a lie?

We can say we had fun,
we could say we had a ball,
Heartbreak is just another great fall,

The times we had were too unreal to be true,
Lying awake at night thinking of you,
Long phone calls bridged the distance,
Until we could be together for a momentary instance.

It was all about timing, muddled up somewhere,
Memories are all I have now and the light scent of your hair,
I will never forget the moment we met,
In that field with the music,
Ill never ever regret.

I loved you for that time, them short few months we had,
Until life took over, and things went mad,
I don’t know what it was that divided us so,
How I changed from being your friend to your foe.

All I know is you misunderstood my intention,
What I wanted it seemed I could never mention,
But for once in my life I can blatantly see,
You were someone I could not keep,
Untamed, unnamed forever will you be,

Another year over, its all in the past,
Never have I wished more for a year to last,
Time to move forward, time to move on,
Summer time was here but now it’s gone,

I still think of you sometimes,
And that can of coke,
Imagine... it began and… ended,
with a puff of a smoke…! !

Trevor Seery – 30/11/2006


The Moon stares at me from a lofty height,
Wind cuts through the trees,
a distressing sight,

Pale light on pale skin,
Clouds roll by as if running a race,
Shaded in a glow is a familiar face,
Early morn presents a storm,
Eye is in the middle,
Presumptuous and predictable as can be,
Female form blocks the moon,
She will be back… be back soon.

Confined in spaces, spaces called rooms,
I can remember days when there were no fools,
No speech, no sight, no hearing at all,
Then one day it began to fall,
Leaves theyre brown, yellow and red,
Its all becoming clear forever in my head.

When they touched the ground and found a home,
They were safe now never alone,
The circle begins for another time,
A season, a reason brought about by a chime…

Trevor Seery - 3/12/2006

Soul Kisses

A kiss to hand, a kiss to mouth,
A kiss that seems to be smuggled in doubt,

Eyes to scars and ears to fears,
Ask the question, get it clear,

An open mind, an open heart,
Be aware of a time to part,

Deep inside the soul of all,
Is a constant aching fear of a fall,

Love without hate, love without fear,
Lose yourself in your one true dear,

Let the heart choose and not the head,
Cause the day will arrive when you may be dead,

Take that chance, a leap of faith,
You may end up with your soulmate.

Trevor Seery - September 2008

Shadow Keeper

I am the Shadow Keeper, with you through the night, flashing in the window and along the stair flight,
See me sometimes, sometimes maybe not,
I will make you paranoid until the darkness …stops,
When a curtain moves or a sheet blows I will obey,
The shadow lands are here to stay,

I am your Shadow Keeper, locked inside your head, until the darkness falls and you are in your bed,
Is the light on? , is it off? , your eyes are closed so tightly you cant tell whats what,
creeping along your wall and over that lampshade, I could have taken your soul,
But I chose to fade,

I am a Shadow Keeper, released only at night, until you close your eyes when I am out of sight,
I see you through your peeping fingers, when you least expect,
That flash its me, seen in the mirror reflect,
A sheet will not hide my presence,
Wait for dawn to come, what remains is my essence,

I am their Shadow Keeper, I disappear without a trace, into oblivion and the beyond of outer space,
Once upon a time I used to have a mind, but its all gone now… forever in rewind,
When the dusk begins to fall on a stormy moonlit night, it is the perfect time of shadow light,

I was the Shadow Keeper once seen by all but now I am invisible except against a wall..! ! !

Trevor Seery - 2006

A Stirring of Memory

Its just one of those things that happens to us all,
puts us in harms way but never to fall,

A momentary glance to eyes that shine,
never would i have believed that she could be mine,

Take your chances and never regret,
the times that you had to the the moment you met,

Time is precious days flow by,
recalling missed days with a sigh,

And now a few years down the line,
i'd like to think that i am mine,

If i could do it again not make mistakes,
we could have taken our time for both our sakes,

The light that woke me up, the fight that broke us up,
all a memory, of you and i,
from beginning thru middle and to end with a cry.

13/12/2007 Trevor Seery.